Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden, Germany
Ballettschule des Hamburg Ballett, Germany
Kyouko Kanda Ballet Academy, Japan
Oshita Dance Academy, J
Carmen, »Carmen« (J. Inger); Soloist, »Errand into the Maze« (M. Graham), Hungarian Princess, Neapolitan Princess, »Swan Lake«, 2 Demi-Soloist Dryads, »Don Quixote«, 4 Tall Demi-Soloists, »La Bayadère« (A. S. Watkin); 6 Icicles, »The Nutcracker« (A. S. Watkin/J. Beechey after M. Petipa); Red Couple, »Forgotten Land« (J. Kylián); Soloist roles in »Vertigo Maze« (Stijn Celis); »Impressing the Czar«, »In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated« (W. Forsythe); »Tanzsuite« (A. Ratmanksy); »Minus 16« (O. Naharin); »Cacti« (A. Ekman); »She was Black« (Mats Ek); Solo choleric, »The Four Temperaments« (G. Balanchine)
»The Four Seasons« (D. Dawson); »COW« (A. Ekman), »The Night Falls Quietly« (J. Hernandez), March Hare, »Alice – A Journey to Wonderland« (R. Coumes-Marquet / H. Thomas / J. Hernandez / J. Potter / M. Tucker)