Code of Conduct

On the basis of our values such as respectful interaction, mutual appreciation, equal opportunities, gender equality and recognition of diversity, the Code of Conduct formulates binding rules of conduct that all permanent employees and other personnel of Sächsische Staatstheater undertake to comply with.

The Code of Conduct intends to give assurance to those employees who feel discriminated against or disadvantaged in any way. Contact persons whom these employees can dependably turn to in confidence are available to them within the internal complaints management.

The Code of Conduct must put into practice in our everyday working life with each other. It will be part of every contract with permanent employees, guests (soloists, stage directors, choreographers), temporary workers and other personnel. As role models, the managerial staff as well as the persons responsible for internal complaints management are trained in its content and communicate the Code of Conduct within their departments.

The Code of Conduct is backed by the Central Staff Council.


Die Fledermaus

Johann Strauss
10. Jan
7 pm
74 – 120 €
12 Tickets